Page 202 - حکمت و معنویت 05
P. 202

201        /   يدزيلا حابصم يقت دمحم خيشلا ءارآ ءوض ىلع ةيبسنلا قلاخ  -   أ   اتيملا مييقت

                   9.  Brandt,  R.B.  (1959).  Ethical  Theory:  The  Problems  of
               Normative and Critical Ethics. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
                  10.  Scanlon, T.M. (1995). Fear of Relativism. In R, Hursthouse,
               G, Lawrence and W, Quinn. (Eds.), Virtues and Reasons. New York:

               Oxford University

                  11.  Frankena, W. K. (1973). Ethics (2nd ed). London: Prentice-
               Hall, INC.
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