Page 307 - Pure Life 14
P. 307
Cultural Impacts of Virtual System on the Behavior of Religious Studies Students /307
This will happen due to difference between what
person believe is right and what society does. In
history re have seen lofts of examples when a person
opposed against the society and customs and some of
them were prosecuted or even executed by people,
church or court.
As an examples on this case we can see Hz Nuh, Hz
Ibrahim, Hz Zakariyya, Hz Yahya, Hz Ali, Hz Huseyn
(including other 8 imams from his progeny), from
European scientist we can see Socrate, Kopernik,
Galileo etc, But it does not necessarily mean that
individual is always right, not at all, this can be wise
versa and we can see some examples as well.
For this scenario we can see Qarun (from ummah of
Hz Musa), Qabil (son of Hz Adam), Iblis (among all
at the throne of Allah) etc.
So, we have already reviewed what is culture and
his components like idea, custom and social behavior.
Based on the topic we need to review what kind of
impact virtual system will have on behavior of
religious student.
As the culture already contains social
behavior, we have to define status of the society
in terms of their knowledge and belief, we just
have to (full stop).