Page 284 - Pure Life 15
P. 284

                310  PURE LIFE, Vol.5. No.15, (Rabi' al-Thani 1440. Azar 1397. December 2018)

               Figure 6. Indonesia Social Media Users per January 2017
                                    Source: ASEAN UP

                  Based  on  the  Figure  3  and  Figure  4,  it  is  clearly
               shown that Cyberspace in Indonesia is dominated by
               young milenial generation users and Facebook is still
               number  one  favorite  social  media  for  indonesians  as
               also  shown  in  Figure  5.  Meanwhile  in  Figure  6,  in
               January 2017 there are more than half of Indonesian
               population  using  the  Internet.  Based  on  author’s
               preliminary  observation  in  Jakarta  and  big  cities  in
               Indonesia, at least a young people has one smartphone
               that can connect the user easily to the Cyberspace.
                  Privacy  and  human  rights  can  be  misused  in
               Cyberspace.  Imam  Bukhari,  PBUH,  ever  said  that
               “Knowledge  first,  before  acting  and  speaking”,  but
               regarding  many  hoax  or  fake  news  spreading  in
               Indonesia  nowadays,  author  thinks  that  moslem
               majority  in  Indonesia  groups  must  think  once  more
               about  Islamic  values.  Based  on  one  academic
               data,  there  are  at  least  47,3  milion  people  becoming
               victims of Cybercrimes, as shown:
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