Page 286 - Pure Life 18
P. 286

286  / ( PURE LIFE, Vol. 6, No.18 (Muharram 1441. Shahrivar 1398. September 2019)

                   In  this  paper  I  am  discussing  the  uses  and  abuses  of

               these  I.T  related  sites  which  are  mostly  viewed  by  the
               people and the use and abuse of these in the religio-social
               life  of  people.  The  data  for  the  same  has  been  collected
               from a sample of 50 respondents.
                  The  sample  has  been  selected  on  random  basis  from
               universe with following features:

                  S.NO          Age          No          Male        Female
                    1          12-25         30           20           10
                    2          25-40         10            8            2
                    3          40-60         10            9            1
                               Total         50           37           13

                   The respondents gave their responses on questionnaire
               provided  by  the  investigator.  The  table  above  gives
               information about the age and sex of the respondents. The
               IT qualified were merely 5% of the respondents however
               others  used  cellphones  as  well  as  computers  for  non-
               technical activities, such as emailing, typing etc.
                  The data collected has been analyzed after aggregation
               and following information has been revealed.
                  It  has  been  found  that  people  above  40  years  are  not
               aware  about  any  Islamic  web  site.  Hence  no  opinion  of
               using  any  such  site  or  taking  any  advantage  from  that.
               They  are  aware  only  about  facebook  and  WhatsApp  the
               social  networking  sites.  This  group  is  more  used  to
               WhatsApp as this is easy to use.
                  Most  of  them  read  the  messages  sent  on  their
               WhatsApp to their accounts all messages political, social
               or  religious  as  they  get.  It  ahs  been  observed  by  them
               mostly videos are sent on this network.
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