Page 297 - Pure Life 18
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Guide for Article Writers
                  1-  Articles must include following sections:
                      title,  abstract  and  keywords,  prelude  or  introduction  of  the  subject,  main
                      body of the article, conclusion, references
                  2-  Only those articles will be considered which had not been published before and
                      their corresponding authors have not been obliged to publish them elsewhere.
                  3-  Responsibility  of  scientific  and  legal  authenticity  of  the  articles  will  rest
                      upon the corresponding author.
                  4-  The right to accept or reject an article is reserved for the journal. However,
                      the secretariat of the journal is bound to report the final situation of sent
                      articles to their corresponding authors within one month (30 days).
                  5-  Final approval for an article to be published in the journal will be made by
                      the editorial board after the recommendation of referees.
                  6-  Size of an article must be eight pages at least and 25 pages at most where
                      each page contains 250 words.
                  7-  Quotation and adaptation from articles of the journal, with reference to the
                      source, are allowed.
                  8-  Persian, English and Arabic abstracts of an article should be 300 words at most.
                  9-  To type a Persian article, “B Mitra” font with the size of 14pt should be used.
                           To type an article in Arabic, “Arabic Typesetting” font with the
                            size of 14pt and  in English,  “Times New  Roman”  font  with the
                            size of 14pt should be used.
                  10-  References should be arranged alphabetically and should be listed as under:

                                 In Case of Book: Surname, Name, (Year of Publication),
                                  Title  of  Book  (with  “Bold”  font  style),  Name  of
                                  Translator  or  Editor  (if  applicable),  Volume,  Edition,
                                  Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.
                                 In  Case  of  Article:  Surname,  Name,  Title  of  Article,
                                  Translator  (if  applicable),  Name  of  Publication  (with
                                  “Bold” font style), Periodicity, Edition, Total Number of
                                  Article Pages: (Year of Publication).
                  11-  Endorsement of references related to sources in the text should be made in
                      form  of  (Name  of  Author,  Year  of  Publication:  Page  Number)  e.g.,
                      (Tabatabai, 1376: 89).
                  12-  Explanation  references  of  each  page,  like  Latin  form  of  alphabets,
                      Description of terms, etc, should be given in footnote of the same page.
                  13-  Author  or  Authors  of  an  article  must  endorse  their  name,  surname,
                      academic  level,  address,  cell  number  and  their  email  along  with  their
                      articles sent to the University’s Secretariat of Research and Production on:
                                 As  the  journal  is  multilingual,  venerable  scholars  can
                                  submit  their  articles  in  four  languages:  Persian,  Arabic,
                                  English and Urdu.
                  14-  After the article is published, the secretariat of journal is bound to email the
                      electronic edition of the journal to the given email address of the author(s).
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