Page 236 - Pure Life 19
P. 236

A Word from Chief Editor

                  “PURE  LIFE”  will  be  a  window  towards  man’s  eternal  life.  Al
               Mustafa  Virtual  University  considers  its  mission  to  introduce  the
               divine teachings to ground dwelled man, so that he could be able to
               establish a fresh living by using the knowledge bestowed upon him by
               Almighty God in such a manner that it brings him worldly peace and
               eternal prosperity.
                  “PURE LIFE” is an opportunity for the students and graduates of
               the university to spread out their scientific and cognitive knowledge
               on the vast arena of cyberspace and also, with the use of scholarly
               dialect, reflect religious cognition into various aspects of human life.
               Hope  that  through  efforts  of  knowledge  seekers,  this  window  may
               become more magnificent.
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