Page 181 - Pure Life 21
P. 181

An Analysis of the Causes of Young People's Deviation from Religion…
             denial  of  religion:  “And  this  is  the  effect  of  the  environment  on
             the perception of the environment. Behaviors say”.

                 7.  Friends and Coaches
             As  friends  and  educators  contribute  to  denigrating  their
             religion,  they  also  play  a  role  in  denying  them  the  right  to
             religion.  For  example,  the  son  of  Noah  (a)  was  fooled  by  the
             environment  and  friends  from  religion  and  left  the  number  of
             families  and  saved  (Hud:  46).  Some  of  the  unbelievers  were
             drawn  to  religion  by  the  modeling  of  their  elders:  “My  deeds
             and  my  oaths  and  my  intercession”  (Almighty,  31)  and  Qala’a
             Rabna   ملددم  م هدد     ددمااولصض  دت  ددم  دددتاأ  ددمإ  دددات ا ل ددقض «  and  they  say:
             (Parties:  67)  Friendship  with  corrupt  friends  will  lead  to  man's
             deviousness and corruption.

                 8.  Stress and Violence
             In  terms  of  the  Holy  Quran,  kindness,  self-restraint  and
             assimilation  on  people,  their  attraction  factor,  and  rigor  and
             pressure,  have  been  introduced  as  a  cause  of  religion's
             overthrow:  “Fhmmah  Rahmah  I  am  Allah  Lenth  Lahm  and
             Lukinat  al-Qa'al  al-Qalb  Lanfzaha  I  am  Hawlk  Falaf  Alnhm  and
             Allah”  (Al  Civilization:  159)  The  lice  of  play,  hidden  work,  lies
             and  revenge  are  only  part  of  the  results  of  the  evil  and  the
             causes of escaping. (Eisenberg, 1999, p. 111)

                 9.  It came to Pass in Vain to See the Religion
             When  a  person  goes  to  religion  with  a  psychological  and
             psychological  problem  and  is  placed  among  the  religionists,  he
             requires  a  religion  of  tranquility,  happiness  and  liberation  from
             loneliness.  If  religion  can  not  meet  this  demand,  escaping  such
             a  religion  is  natural.  With  the  same  idea,  the  idol  worshipers
             believed  in  their  idols:  “And  My  Excellency,  Allah,  the
             Prophet”  (Ys:  74).  Some  of  the  religions  in  contemporary  times
             are  that  religionists  lack  religion  for  the  proper  solutions.  They
             perceive that sadness, grief, grief and anxiety are perceived.

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