Page 112 - Pure Life 27
P. 112

Distortion Category … M.Sh Badra and M. Shiri / (111

                  According to a definition in       diverted  it  from  its  explicit
               this  regard,  the  distortion  is    meaning.  (Qurashi,  1992,  Vol.
               taken  from  “Taharruf”  and          2: 121)
               “Ihtarafa”,     which     means          The Holy Quran says:

               deviated     from    it.   Thus,             “Do  you  then  hope
               distortion  of  the  thing  means            that they would believe
               restoring the shape and form of              in  you,  and  a  party
               something;  as  in  distortion  of           from     among      them
               the  pen,  the  meaning  of                  indeed  used  to  hear
               shaving and deforming the pen                the  Word  of  Allah,

               is  meant.  (Raghib  Isfahani,               then  altered  it  after
               1992: 229)                                   they had understood it,
                  On  the  other  hand,  the                and  they  know  (this)”
               “Muharraf”  pen  means  a  pen               (Al-Baqarah: 75)
               that  is  shaved  in  this  way  and     A group of them (the Jews)
               has  a  crooked  cross  section;      hear  the  word  of  God;  then,
               (Khorramshahi,  1992:  86)  but       after  knowing  and  reasoning,

               distortion of the word means to       they distort it from its rightful
               put  the  word  on  a  possible       position.  In  other  words,
               meaning;  while  it  has  two         distortion  in  such  cases  is  a
               aspects  and  two  meanings;          change     of    meaning      or
               (Raghib  Isfahani:  1992:  229);      interpretation  of  speech  in  a
               in  other  words,  put  it  in  a     non-real  meaning;  but  the

               corner of probability; so that it     place  of  speech  is  verbal  or
               can  be  carried  in  two  ways,      spiritual,  in  the  sense  that
               which  is  to  bear  the  explicit    sometimes  it  is  possible  to
               word; that is, after the meaning      change  the  concept  and
               of  that  word  was  known,  he
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