Page 120 - Pure Life 27
P. 120

Distortion Category … M.Sh Badra and M. Shiri / (119

               follows  point  to  the  non-          C. Verse of Observation
               distortion    of    the   Quran              “The  Knower  of  the
               independently,  because  the                 unseen!  so  He  does  not
               word  “Aziz”  means  invincible              reveal His secrets to any

               and impenetrable; while distortion           *  Except  to  him  whom
               is  a  kind  of  failure  and                He     chooses    as    a
               permeability.                                messenger; for surely He
                  Also,    the    word     false            makes a guard to march
               meaning the opposite  of right,              before him and after him
               refers to something that is not              *  So  that  He  may  know

               stable    and    is   prone    to            that  they  have  truly
               corruption    and    destruction;            delivered  the  messages
               therefore, God says: “There is               of  their  Lord,  and  He
               no  false  in  the  Quran”;                  encompasses  what  is
               Therefore, it denies any change              with  them  and  He
               in the Quran.                                records the number of all
                  The  third  description  also             things”. (Al-Jinn: 26-28)

               indicates  that  the  Holy  Quran        This    verse,    like    the
               cannot     be    distorted   and      previous  verse,  states  the
               changed;  for  it  is  sent  down     argument     for    the    non-
               from  God,  the  Wise  and  the       distortion  of  the  Holy  Quran.
               Praised;  whose  deeds  are           The  phrase  “for  surely  He
               purposeful;  therefore,  if  the      makes  a  guard  to  march

               Quran  is  distorted,  it  is         before  him  and  after  him”
               inconsistent  with  Wisdom  of        indicates  that  the  divine
                                                     revelation from the moment it
               God. (Najarzadegan, 2015: 24)         is  issued  from  the  source  of
                                                     revelation  until  it  reaches  the
                                                     people  and  also  through  its
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