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               32  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 27-52, Summer 2021

               life.  With  the  absence  of            This  culture  falls  according
               culture,  from  this  point  we       to  the  general  vision  of  life,
               proceed  to  depict  the  aspects     often  associated  with  either  a
               of  modern  urban  life  and  the     religious, political or economic
               contemporary civilizational crisis.   orientation,  the  renaissance  of
               (Tweed and Sutherland, 2007)          knowledge. What is rejected in
                  It  is  noticeable  that  the      behavior, path, and thought in
               spiritual  aspect  of  human  life    peacetime becomes an acceptable
               has received very little attention    situation  in  difficult  times,
               in  contemporary  civilization.       producing a new aspect of the

               On the contrary, it exaggerated       culture  of  living.  (Breines  et
               in strengthening the instinctive      al, 2000)
               side  in  human  to  the  point  of
               losing     his    balance    and      Manifestations of Contemporary
               humanity.                             Life
                  On the other hand, with the        A    number      of   ways     of
               self,  and  with  the  new            communication       and    direct

               concepts of culture that are in       communication between people,
               line  with  the  identity  of  the    as  this  includes  means  and
               individual,  according  to  the       programs  for  visual  and  audio
               community  system  and  the           communication,  which  helped
               imposed  trends,  which  limit        shorten  distances  and  abolish
               the individual’s choices in the       barriers   and    borders    that

               way  of  life,  and  thus  what  he   separate  people, and give them
               can  adopt  to  be  reflection  of    the  ability  to  communicate  at
               his person in the environment.        any  time  and  within  a  few
               (Child, 1997)                         seconds,  and  within  a  very
                                                     simple cost that does not exceed
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