Page 72 - Pure Life 31
P. 72

The Spiritual Importance of the Arbaeen Pilgrimage… S. Fahs and Y. Ali / (71

               turned  out  to  be  a  clash          He        urged       Muslims
               between truth and falsehood.           everywhere  to  follow  the

               His  timeless  lessons  have           path of Imam Hussein.
               inspired     generations      of

               people  all  over  the  world          Historical      Origins       of
               and  his  principles  have             Arbaeen Pilgrimage
               remained alive for centuries.          Every year on the twentieth
               His  insurgency,  movement             of  Safar,  the  forty-day

               and  goals  have  had  a               anniversary       of     Imam
               lasting  impact  on  the               Hussein's  martyrdom  is
               Muslim empire's conscience             commemorated. One of the

               and awareness.                         notable       Ahl       al-Bayt
                  Robert       Manias,        a       companions,        Jaber    ibn
               Hungarian  academic  and               Abdullah Ansari, is regarded

               scholar,  claims  that  Imam           as  being  the  first  to  pay
               Hussain's  revolution  was             homage  at  the  holy  graves
               for all of humanity and not            of  Imam  Hussein  and  his

               just  for  a  certain group. In        companions. Following the
               his  words,  the  experience           Battle  of  Karbala,  Imam

               of  Imam  Hussein  is  a               Zayn  al-Abidin   and  the
               global  experience  that  is           other  survivors  were  taken

               not  limited  to  a  doctrine,         as  prisoners  to  Yazid  ibn
               religion or country, but for           Muawiah in Damascus until
               the    entire     world     and        they were eventually allowed

               everyone seeking revolution.           to return to Medina. When
                                                      Yazid appointed Numan ibn
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