Page 106 - Pure Life 36
P. 106

A Logical Analysis of Mental… M. Najafi and H. Vakili (105

               The components are determined             Considering fuzzy logic, every
            by     common        sense     and        person  possesses  a  grade  of

            introspection.  One  can  live  a         such  qualities.  Consequently,
            psychologically  good  life  if           pure life is to be considered as a
            he/she achieves some personal             fuzzy quality. Individuals enjoy

            and social qualities. As far as           different grades of pure life.
            personal      factors     go,     a
            mentally  healthy  man  is                Conclusion

            realistic  in  his/her  reactions         Mental health is a significant
            and  interpretations.  He/She             element  that  contributes  to  a
            enjoys  self-confidence  and              meaningful and happy life. As far

            also feels accepted by others.            as the mind goes it is immaterial;
                                                      Because the properties of mind
               In  addition,  he/she  can
            channel personal abilities into           and body are not identical.

            productive activities. Moreover,             Consequently,  the  health
            a mentally healthy person can             and illness of the mind are not
            successfully  interact  with              only a physical phenomenon.
            other people.                             A  healthy  person  possesses

               These  personal  and  social           normal  function  and  is  not
            qualities  provide  inner  peace          affected by any irritating modes.
            which  constitutes  a  great              An irritating mode like anxiety,

            proportion  of  pure  life.  It           is  detected  by  introspection;
            should  be  taken  into  account          While normality is determined
            that  none  of  the  above-said           by  common  sense.  Common

            factors is to be considered as            sense  could  define  a  term
            black and white.                          because  the  meaning  of  the
                                                      terms is intersubjective.
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