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7. Length of an article must be 8 pages at least and 20 pages at most
where each page contains 250 words. (Minimum 2000 Words and
Maximum 5000 Words)
8. Quotations and adaptations from articles of the IMJPL, with
reference to the source, are allowed.
9. To write an English article, be “Times New Roman” font with the
size of 14pt should be used.
10. References should be arranged alphabeticaliy and should be listed as
follows; Also, it is necessary to add the DOI or DOR Code at the end of the references:
• Book: Surname, Name. (Year of Publication). Title (Bold). Name of
Translator (If Applicable). Edition. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.
• Article: Surname, Name. (Year of Publication). Title (Bold). Name of the
Journal (Italics), Publication Period(Journal Number), Number of Pages.
11. Endorsement of references related to sources in the text should be
made in from of (Name of Author, Year of Publication: Page Number).
12. References of each page, such as the Latin equivalent of specialized
vocabulary, idioms and side descriptions should be included in the
footnote of the same page.
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Agreement and Commitment Form, Conflict of Interest and Authorship
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• Conflict of Interest and Authorship Conformation Form
• Source Writing Method (APA)