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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(38), Serial Number. 2, Spring. 2024, 25-48

                       PAPER DERIVED   FROM THESIS
                       An   Analytical   Approach   to   the   Human   Body   from   the
                       Perspective of Transcendental Wisdom and Yoruba Philosophy

                       Mashood   Abiola Saad ,   Dr. Reza Bakhshayesh   2

                          1.*   M.A,  Student,  Department of Islamic Philosophy,  Higher Education Complex of Philosophy and  Religious

                          Studies,Faculty of Philosophy and Religious  Studies,  Al-Mustafa Intern  ational  University,  Iran,  (Corresponding Author)

                          2.   Assistant Prof,  Department of Islamic Philosophy,   Higher Education Complex of Philosophy and Religious Studies
                          Faculty  of Philosophy and Religious studies, Al-Mustafa International University, Iran,

                     ARTICLE INFO           ABSTRACT
                     Article History:          SU  BJECT & OBJECTIVES: This research paper aims to delve
                     Received: 15  November 2023   into the foundational beliefs and principles of Yoruba Philosophy
                     Revised: 20 January 2024   and Transcendental wisdom regarding the human body, including
                     Accepted: 10 February 2024   its composition, function, and significance, aiming to explore the
                                               similarities  and  differences  in  their  interpretations  and
                     Key Words:
                                               comparative analysis between these two philosophies.
                                               METHOD  &  FINDING:  By  utilizing  library  research,
                     Human Body
                                               descriptive  analysis,  and  analytical  approaches,  this  study
                     Imaginal Body             provides  a  comprehensive  examination  of  the  concept  of  the
                                               human  body  in  the  realms  of  Yoruba  Philosophy  and
                     Orunmila                  Transcendental  Wisdom. It investigates how these philosophical
                                               perspectives  influence  cultural  practices,  rituals,  and  beliefs
                     Yoruba Philosophy         related  to  the  human  body  in  Yoruba  and  Islamic  societies,
                                               critically  reflecting  on  the  implications  of  these  varied
                     Transcendental Wisdom
                                               philosophical  views  for  understanding  the  nature  of  the  human
                                               body, its connection to the soul, and its place within cosmology
                     DOI:                      and metaphysics.
                                               CONCLUSION:  The  study  conducts  a  comparative  analysis  of
                     10.22034/imjpl.2024.9506  the  human  body  in  Yoruba  Philosophy  and  Transcendent
                                               Wisdom,  highlighting  the  divergent  perspectives.  In  Yoruba
                                               Philosophy, the human body is viewed as an essential aspect of an

                                               individual's  holistic  existence,  intricately  connected  to  spiritual
                                               and material realms. It is considered to embody various spiritual
                                               essences and energies crucial for achieving internal equilibrium.
                                               The  body  also  holds  significant  cultural  and  social  value,
                                               representing  personal  and  communal  identities.  Conversely,  in
                                               Transcendental  Wisdom,  the  human  body  is  seen  as  a  transient
                                               vessel facilitating the soul's pursuit of enlightenment and divine
                                               knowledge,  portraying  it  as  a  means  for  its  transcendental

                        * Corresponding Author:             Article Address Published on the Journal Site:

                     ORCID: 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 3 - 3 7 2 7 - 2 8 2 X

                            NUMBER OF                  NUMBER OF                NATIONALITY OF
                           REFERENCES                   AUTHORS                     AUTHOR
                                49                          2                      (Nigeria, Iran)
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