Page 12 - صبا 02
P. 12

Soul from the point of view of Ghazali, Najmuddin Razi,

                                    Baihaqi and Sanratul Maali

                                            Salman rahimi 1

                Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, Open University,
                              Al-Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran


               One of the important and basic issues that has always been the concern of the elders of
               ethics and mysticism is the issue of the soul and its attributes in human existence. From
               the books of the early ones to the books of the late ones, there are many and varied
               materials related to this topic. The author in this research, which was conducted in a
               library method with a descriptive-comparative approach, the opinions of several great
               writers,  including  Muhammad  Ghazali,  Sanai  Ghaznavi,  Najmuddin  Razi,  Sanratul
               Maali and Abulfazl Beyhaqi, have been examined in relation to the self. The research
               findings  show  that  Ghazali  and  Najmuddin  Razi  have  dealt  with  this  issue  with  a
               mystical  view,  Sana'i  with  a  moral  and  at  the  same  time  rationalistic  view,  Beyhaqi
               from Dariche Hikmat and Sanratul Ma'ali with a medical view.

               Keywords: Soul, Abolfazl Beyhaqi, Sanratul Maali, Sanai Ghaznavi, Najmuddin

               Razi, Ghazali.

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