Page 212 - صبا 02
P. 212

A comparative and thematic study of Hajib's

                                        Guttadgh Bilig

                      & the Qabous Name of the onsour al-maali

                                            Gulten  zareei 1

                Master's student of Persian language & literature, Open University, Al-Mustafa
                               International University of Qom, Qom, Iran

                                    supervisor: Atefeh khodayi
                  Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, Open
                      University, Al-Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran


               Qutadgho Bilig is the first Turkish-Islamic work, which was written by Yusuf
               Khas  Hajib  Balasaghuni  in  462AH  in  Balasaghun  and  Kashgar,  one  of  the

               cities of Central Asia and the center of the Karakhanid territory (Ilk Khanian-Al
               Afrasiab).  In  terms  of  the  title,  this  book  has  many  similarities  with  Qaboos
               Namah. Qaboosnameh is a book in fluent Persian language and in the field of
               educational literature; Such books have a long history in Persian literature and a
               large  part  of  literary  books  were  written  for  education.  The  authors  in  the
               current research, which was conducted with a library method and a descriptive-
               analytical  approach,  aims  to  introduce  Qutadgho  Bilig  book  to  the  Persian
               readers, to confront some of its chapters with the contents of Qaboos Nameh, to
               show the differences and similarities of the contents of the two books, and in
               this way to show the difference in the thoughts of the two authors. Specify as
               much as possible. Finally, considering that a book like Qutadagh Billig with all
               the features of a good advice letter is available

               Key words: Qaboos Nameh, Nasihat  Nameh, Gutadegh Bilig, Youssef Khas
               Hajib           Balasaghoni,          onsor          al          Maali.

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