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Reading skill and its types

                With emphasis on the book "Developing Second Language Skills"

                                          Hossein Al-Rabiei
                  Bachelor's student of Persian language & literature, Open University, Al-
                            Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran

                                  Supervisor: Fatemeh HajiRahimi
                  Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, Open
                     University, Al-Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran

               In  today's  social  life,  "reading  skill"  is  one  of  the  most  important
               communication  tools,  through  reading  you  can  get  the  required  information,
               knowledge  and  skills  and  gain  awareness  about  various  issues.  Finally,  it  is
               possible to increase the power of adaptation and adaptation to society and the
               complex  world  around;  For  this  reason,  reading  can  be  considered  the  most
               important means of learning and adaptation for humans. Reading skills include
               a set of abilities that are present in all aspects of your life. To the extent that
               your reading skills increase, the possibility of understanding the meaning and
               interpreting  it  in  all  the  texts  you  read  increases.  Also,  by  strengthening  this
               skill, you can communicate with others more easily and it even improves your
               writing ability. The current research was conducted using a library method and
               based on a descriptive-analytical approach, and reading skills and its types were
               discussed with an emphasis on the book " Developing Second Language Skills"
               written by Kenneth Chastain, a foreign language teacher in the United States of
               America.  Is.  The  purpose  of  this  book  is  to  provide  an  overview  of  second
               language teaching and learning that will help future teachers and teachers who
               are currently teaching in understanding the relationship between the theoretical
               and practical aspects of second language teaching. This understanding helps the
               teacher  in  improving  his  performance  in  teaching  and  transferring  language
               skills to language learners. Using this book, the teacher can turn his class into
               an active and productive class.

               Keywords:  Reading  skills,  communication,  concept  reproduction,  reading

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