Page 180 - صبا 03
P. 180

A comparative study of the short stories of Jalal Al

                     Ahmad and Yusuf Idris According to realistic

                                          Atefeh khodayi
                   Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, Open
                     University, Al-Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran.


               Comparative literature is a knowledge that it provides the opportunity to examine the
               some  subjects  without  considering  the  effect  and  impression  by  examining  and
               comparing  the  common  topics  between  two  writers  or  poets,.  Jalal  Al-Ahmad  and
               Youssef Idris are two contemporary story writers who, as evidenced by their works, use
               the  school  of  realism,  especially  social  realism,  in  their  writing.  In  this  research,  a
               comparison has been made between selected short stories of these two authors. These
               two writers have lived in the same period of life and almost similar cultural, social and
               political  environment,  and  the  similarity  of  their  perception  of  the  school  of  realism
               with this explanation is believable and justified. On the other hand, every writer has a
               special style in writing, and Al-Ahmed's conversational style is closer to the mentioned
               characteristics  of  realistic  writing.  Youssef  is  one  of  the  writers  who  introduced
               Egyptian literature to the short story format and gave it an Arabic structure and content.
               Jalal, along with a large generation of influential Iranian writers, are one of the founders
               of modern Persian literature.

               Keywords: comparative literature, realism, Jalal Al-Ahmed, Yusuf Idris

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