Page 292 - صبا 04
P. 292
Introduction of some roles of animal and plant
sources in Iran
Gulten Zareei 1
Master's student of Persian Language and Literature, Open University, Al-
Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran
Supervisor: Maryam Jafar Zadeh
Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, Open
University, Al-Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran
Animals and plants have special importance in different nations. So that among
almost all nations there are concepts, elements and roles of plants and animals
in their art, culture and civilization. In Iranian culture and civilization, there are
motifs of plants and animals that have a deep connection with people's ritual
and religious thoughts and beliefs. This article, which was done in the library
method, introduces animal motifs such as goat, lion, Pig, horse, Simorgh, cow
and plant motifs such as cedar, pomegranate, palm and lotus. The present
research, which was carried out in a descriptive-analytical method and in a
library style, is an attempt to show and introduce some of the most important
animal and plant elements and the relationship of such elements with the culture
and beliefs of the Iranian people. The findings of the research show that the use
of sacred and mythological plants and animals motifs in Iranian art has a
symbolic and religious use beyond the decorative aspect, and in other words, it
has its roots in the religious beliefs of the ancient era; Symbols that express
omens and blessings, benevolence, fertility, immortality and mana, as well as
the durability of reign and power.
Keywords: Plant motifs, animal motifs, culture, myth
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