Page 46 - صبا 04
P. 46

Comparing and analyzing the style of Amirhoshang

                      Ebtahaj and Manouchehr Atashi's poems

                                            Sakina Jafari
                  Master's student of Persian Language and Literature, Open University, Al-
                           Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran

                                     Supervisor: Zahra gholami
                  Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, Open
                     University, Al-Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran


               The present study was conducted to carry out an analytic study of some poems of Amir
               Hushang Ebtehaj compared with major poems of Manuchehr Atashi. To this end some
               verses from the poem books of Hushang Ebtehaj and Manuchehr Atashi were extracted
               and  then  they  were  analyzed  and  explicated  respectively.  The  major  findings  of  the
               study  show  that  the  aforementioned  poets  are  among  the  contemporary  stylistic  and
               movement maker poets who have created artistic works in both areas of traditional and
               modern poetry styles and have special linguistic structure and modern imaging. Atashi
               and Ebtehaj fell in love with Nima School and first they write their poems in accord
               with  Nima’s  poetry  and  in  line  with  him.  This  significance  started  from  before  the
               revolution and just from the beginning of the contemporary era and has continued up to
               now. The elements of nature in the poetry of Atashi and Ebtehaj are among the most
               significant raw materials to make images. The main difference between the linguistic
               mechanism of the traditional poetry of Atashi and Ebtehaj is that the poetry image in
               Ebtehaj’s works is not quite various and this feature has lead to the ‘univocal’ quality of
               the  poetry.  While  Atashi  in  modern  poetry  tries  to  go  beyond  the  transference  of
               meaning and create a new world of words, sounds and colors and create the ‘polysemy’
               language in his poetry.

               Key words: Hushang Ebtehaj, Manuchehr Atashi, Style, imagination, content,

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