Page 10 - صبا 05
P. 10

Pride in Hafez's sonnets

                                          Salman rahimi
                Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, Open University,
                            Al-Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran

                  The  influential  factors  in  the  aesthetics  of  Persian  literature  are  divided  into  two
               parts, verbal and spiritual factors. In the spiritual part, one of the tools of astrology is
               boasting. Although boasting is normally a condemned trait, in the language of poetry
               and  literature,  which  is  the  arena  of  poetic  imaginations  and  rivalries,  this  trait  is
               considered one  of the virtues. For this reason, since the beginning of Persian poetry,
               boasting  has  been  seen  in  various  ways  in  the  works  of  poets.  The  content  of  such
               bragging  is  also  different.  In  other  words,  sometimes  pride  is  based  on  quality,
               sometimes it is based on lineage, etc. One of the poets who entered this field and used
               this tool to make his poems more beautiful is Khwaja Shamsuddin Muhammad Hafez
               Shirazi, a poet of the 8th century. He has boasted through various things; Among them:
               pride in his speech, pride in his non-attachment to the world and the past, pride in the
               wisdom of his poems, pride in God's favor towards him, pride in the universality of his
               poems,  etc.  In  this  article,  an  attempt  has  been  made  to  examine  some  of  Hafez's
               praises, especially in the field of speech.

                  Keywords: Bayazid Bastami, Attar Nishaburi, Annihilation, Anesthesia, Trust

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