Page 212 - صبا 05
P. 212
Analyzing the structure of the course of
repentance (from the origin to the destination) in
the anecdotes of the first book of Masnavi al-
Samaneh aghadadi
Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, open University,
Al-Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran
The spiritual Masnavi is the most important mystical system of Persian language and
literature. With a passionate expression, Rumi presents his teachings to the audience in
a practical and practical way in the form of a story. The attractive, effective and
passionate expression of Rumi originates from his mystical mushrab in preferring Sekar
over Sahoo. Rumi has a deep knowledge and understanding of various issues of Tariqat
such as: the necessary preparations for passing the mystical authorities, the quality of
the levels of conduct and the obstacles on the way, the effects of conditions and
authorities, etc. In this research, it has been tried, Rumi's point of view in the stories of
the first book regarding the quality of the journey of repentance from the beginning to
the final destination; That is, from the awakening of the righteous to the return to the
truth, which is possible through annihilation, to be analyzed and compiled in a coherent
and orderly structure.
Keywords: Masnavi, Rumi, repentance, annihilation, mysticism.
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