Page 62 - صبا 05
P. 62
Examining the grammatical features of Naftha al-
Atefeh khodayi
Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, Open
University, Al-Mustafa International University of Qom, Qom, Iran.
The present article is a short research on the grammatical features of Naftha al-Masdoor
by Mohammad Zaydari Nesavi. The purpose of writing this text is to examine the style
of this book in terms of grammatical features that have led to the creation of prose with
technical prose features. The author of Naftha al-Masdoor, who is one of the secretaries
of the Khawarizm Shahi court, has tried to make the sentences longer and add
complexity to the text by using grammar tricks such as repetition, the frequent use of
objectionable sentences, the use of fillers, and the use of compound adjectives. This is
one of the coordinates of technical prose and one of the common aspects of this type of
prose with artificial prose. This issue is different from the author's use of rhetorical
techniques, which are usually paid attention to when examining the stylistic features of
Motakluf's works. All these methods are the deliberate use of the features that the writer
used to create and complicate the text.
Keywords: Grammatical features, Naftha al-Masdur, technical features, filling.
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