Page 12 - Pure Life 04
P. 12

Management in Quran /11

               Management means to coordinates the efforts of people to
               achieve objectives and goals by utilizing the best available
               resources effectively and efficiently.
                  Management  contains  organizing,  planning,  leading,
               staffing  and  controlling  an  organization  to  achieve  the
               goal. Management is also an academic discipline, a social
               science whose objective is to study social organization.

               The Importance of management
               Today, the need and the importance of management at all
               levels are recognized by everyone. We all somehow deal
               with management in our work and personal life.
                  The  necessity  of  a  good  management  system  was
               brought by Islam and hence Quran has mentioned about it.
               Quran  which  has  been  revealed  on  Prophet  Mohammad
               (saw) is a word of God.  God talks in Quran (The Quran,
               n. d., Verse 2-3) that “the Quran us a guidance and mercy
               unto the righteous ones.”
                         " َنيِنِسْحُمْلِل ًةَمْحَرَو ىًدُه ميِكَحْلا ِباَتِكْلا ُتاَيآ َكْلِت "

                   Management  is  considered  as  one  of  the  most
               important issue in the world. The role of management is
               undeniable in improving the administration and making us
               more civilized. The Islamic ruling for human societies is
               necessary as put by God himself as it is the only way to
               establish  a  good  management  system.  In  the  recent
               century,  it  is  necessary  to  have  a  management  system
               originating from Islamic values and ideologies.
                  Imam  Khomeini,  in  his  book  “Leadership  of  Islamic
               jurisprudence,” describes that legal codes alone cannot be
               enough  to  reconstruct  a  society;  hence  a  super  power  is
               also  obligatory  so  that  law  could  be  the  foundation  of
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