Page 237 - Pure Life 16
P. 237

The Role of State and Religious Organizations
                    in Indonesia in Web-based Teachings
                         Author: Dr. Supratman Supratman (Indonesia)
                           Reccive: 06/07/2016                      Accept: 28/09/2017

               According  to  data  from  the  Association  of  Indonesian
               Internet Service Providers that the Indonesian people are
               the highest internet users in the world. It means that the
               people  of  Indonesia  are  well  informed  today,  including
               regarding  their  religious  knowledge  mostly  obtained  via
               the internet. The problem are:
                   1.  Many  groups  of  takfiri  and  terrorists  spread  their
                      propaganda through cyberspace.
                   2.  Debating  on  social  media  has  generally  more
                      negative  effects.  Most  of  those  who  argue  are
                      mutually disparaging, insulting and disbelieving.
               This paper will examine the role and function of the state
               as  well  as  religious  organizations  in  spreading  religious
               teachings and values. The state functions are:
                      1.  State is as cyberspace controller and supervisor.
                      2.  State is as donors for religious organizations.
               Meanwhile  the  religious  organizations  have  roles  and
               functions that are:
                   1.  To introduce the true teachings and values of Islam.
                   2.  To  resist  the  teachings  of  takfiri  and  acts  of
                      terrorism  that  are  spread  and  popularized  by  an
                      extremist  group  which  their  actions  are  named  as
                      teachings and Islamic values.
                   3.  To cooperate with online media from other Islamic countries.

               1. Assistant Professor in Department of Cultural Sciences, University
               of Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia,
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