Page 233 - Pure Life 16
P. 233

The Role of State and Religious Organizations in Indonesia in Web-based Teachings  /235

                  The targets of hate speech include tribes, religions

               and  beliefs,  race,  class,  color,  ethnicity,  gender,
               persons  with  disabilities  or  persons  of  different

               physical and mental nature, including different sexual
               orientations:  male,  female,  transgender.  Hate  speech
               media include: social media, print and electronic mass
               media,  pamphlet,  banner,  campaign  oration,  lecture
               including religious lecture.
                  The  Chief  of  the  Indonesian  National  Police,
               General Tito Karnavian has been issued regarding the
               handling of hate speech as a guide in handling cases
               of hate speech. The hope, when there is a case of hate
               speech in the community, immediately prevention to
               not  rolling  enlarged,  reconciled  between  the
               disputing  parties.  If  it  can  not  be  reconciled,  then
               taken legal steps.
                  When we were seeing hate speech in social media
               so rife, it raises questions for the people of Indonesia.
               They are worried about Indonesia's rampant condition
               with hate speech while Indonesian people are known
               as a friendly and courteous. The reality of today is so
               contrary to what is believed before. Why and what is
               the  cause  so  that  a  well-known  society  has  a
               temperament  and  a  gentle  character  can  change  so
               violently and fiercely in social media?
                  The answer most often heard both from the analysis
               and the general public that it happens is the fruit of the
               pressure  of  the  regime  of  the  new  order  which  has
               long been in power in Indonesia with tyranny.
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