Page 183 - Pure Life 17
P. 183
The Role of Cyberspace in Interfaith Dialogue 191
Nowadays, people think there is everything on the
internet; however, the problem with this habit is that it
may prevent further investigation on issues, and limit
research work.
Another problem with the cyberspace dialogue is
the unlimited freedom it gives to all sides involved in
the dialogue. This freedom may lead very descent
people to be antagonistic and very aggressive in their
approach. And this is because they think no one is
watching over them.
Moreover the same unlimited freedom does give
some people the guts to even lie about references and
information, which is sometimes difficult to figure out
until after the dialogue.
The Impact of Cyberspace in Interfaith Dialogue
Undoubtedly, cyberspace has played significant role
in the affairs of the current world. Practical experience
reveals that education in the current world without
cyberspace is almost impossible.
In this regard, (Lemke, 1993) writes:
“Educational theory has resisted this shift, not
surprisingly. We can claim, against traditional
CAI, that human social interaction is a
necessary element of education. We can claim
that people interact with other people in
fundamentally different ways, probably
necessary for learning, from how they interact
with artifacts and natural objects, including
today’s computers.