Page 172 - Pure Life 21
P. 172

PURE LIFE, Vol. 7, No. 21 (Shawwal 1441. Khordad 1399. June  2020)

                  social  corruption.  Without  fear  of  protest,  the  supreme  powers
                  and  their  affiliates  execute  the  Qur'an,  which  knows  the
                    implementation  of  the  limits  of  the  life  of  the  human
                        community,  where  it  says:  “And  for  you  is  a  retaliation  of  life
                      and  life,  but  the  owners  of  wisdom!  Maybe  you  are  virtuous”
             (Bagherah: 179).
                    The  Holy  Qur'an  considers  the  implementation  of  the  limits
                    of  life  of  the  Islamic  society.  The  seventh  Imam  (PBUH),
                    concerning  this  verse,  “Fāshia  to  the  Livestock  after  the  Moth:
                    Revives  the  Earth  after  its  death”  (Baqara:  164)  said:  “This
                            verse  has  not  given  rise  to  the  earth  by  rain,  but  the  purpose  of
                        this  verse  is  this  Any  Islamic  punishment  that  runs  on  Earth  will
             benefit more than forty days of rain”.

             Research Results and Findings
             The research findings of this research are:
                    1. The  phenomenon  of  religious  disability  is  not  the
                      essence  of  religion,  but  its  causes  or  factors  must  be
                     sought  outside  the  realm  and  religious  teachings.
                      Because  religion  is  a  natural  thing,  and  if  people  achieve
                     divine  knowledge,  they  will  never  become  a  religious
                      2. Inspiration  from  the  verses  and  the  productivity  of  new
                     findings  and  knowledge  in  explaining  and  clarifying  the
                     function  of  religious  beliefs  and  behaviors  create  a  new
                      face  for  religion;  a  picture  that  is  present  among  today's
                     highly destitute and distressed generations.
                            3. If  the  role  of  religion  in  general  and  the  functions  of  its
                     various  parts  are  explained  in  detail  for  today's
                     generation,  and  the  effect  of  religion  on  the  elimination
                     of   fear,   anxiety    and    anxiety,    we    will    not   see
                     religiousization at least in these ways.

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