Page 173 - Pure Life 21
P. 173

An Analysis of the Causes of Young People's Deviation from Religion…
                 -  Giving and Learning
             “Fat'abir  and  Iya  al-Uba'sar;  then  take  note  of  the  owners  of  the
             insight” (Hesar: 2).
                Imam  Ali  (AS)  said:  “Everyone  knows  that  he  will  keep
             himself  safe  from  mischief  and  corruption,  and  everyone  will
             keep himself safe”.
                 2.  Family Factors
             The  great  contribution  of  social  frauds,  and  the  acceptance  of
             cultural  invasions  with  disabilities,  are  the  cultivation  of
             families.  The  Qur'an  explicitly  orders  the  men  and  guardians  of
             families  to  keep  and  protect  their  children  and  their  sons  against
             sin  and  corruption  and  save  them.  “Or,  these  are  the  signs  of  the
             Ummah  and  the  people  of  Nara  and  the  Gadads  of  Alnas  and
             Al-Hijara”:  “O  you  who  believe!  Keep  your  own  family  and
             your  family  from  the  fire  that  is  the  fire  of  those  people  and  the
             rocks”. (Sanctions: 6).
                The  Holy  Prophet  (PBUH)  said:  “God  will  question  any
             responsible  person  from  his  responsibility,  whether  you  have
             done  it  correctly  or  even  wounded,  even  a  man  will  ask  his

                 3.  Social Factors
             The  Qur'an  identifies  the  people  of  the  society,  which  are
             interconnected     and    interconnected     with    each    other,    and
             therefore have duties, some of which are as follows:
                 -  Doing Good and Forbidding Evil
             “The  believing  men  and  women  are  some  of  the  guardians  of
             others,  they  make  a  declaration  of  affairs,  they  turn  away  from
             ugliness,  pay  prayers,  pay  the  Zakat,  and  obey  Allah  and  His
             Messenger.  He  who  brings  God's  mercy  to  them  and  Truly
             Allah is Mighty, Wise”. (Repentance: 71)

                 -  Governors and Islamic Government
             In  the  first  step,  the  ruler  and  Islamic  statesmen  are  dutybound
             to  reform  their  actions  and  behaviors,  as  the  people  follow  their
             behavior  and  actions,  in  the  next  step  they  are  obliged  to
             definitely  determine  the  limits  of  Islamic  sanctions  to  prevent

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