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               92   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 91-106, Summer 2020
               Introduction                          belonging  and  develop  within
               Start this topic by presenting an     their     borders       different
               overview  of  the  place  of          languages  and  ways  of  seeing
               analysis of this subject.             the  world  from  your  body  of
                  The     Brazil,   a    country     doctrines and liturgies.
               discovered in the year 1500 and          Thus,       the      plausible
               colonized  by  the  Portuguese  in    conclusion is that over time the
               the  European  continent,  with       groups     have    spread     for
               many points of interest related to    Brazilian    soil    and    were
               your    history,   culture    and     gradually  differing  from  their
               civilization,  composed  by  three    territories.
               different  peoples:  Indians,  the       Religions    emerged     with
               natives  of  the  land,  Portuguese,   thousands  of  supporters  who
               the    colonists   and    finally,    have,    even    today,    social
               Africans  from  Angola,  Benin        mobilization     and     political
               and     Guinea,     brought    in     force. We can mention, among
               compulsorily to slavery for three     several,            Christianity,
               centuries  until  the  extinction  of   Pentecostalism,   Candomblé,
               human  trafficking  with  the         Umbanda  and  the  Islam,
               Áurea Law, enacted in 1888.           notably  from  the  19  century
                  These  three  people  printed      with the advent of Malês in the
               on Earth your brazilian culture       context  of  slavery  (imale  in
               with  emphasis  on  religion  as      Yoruba      language      means
               the  main  vehicle  to  join  the     Muslim),  term  used  in  Brazil,
               groups,  establishing  identity       to designate the Black Muslims
               and symbolic borders.                 could read and write in Arabic.
                  These  borders  were  able  to        Were  often  more  literate
               build  territories  with  power,      than their masters, and, in spite
               control  and  influence  material     of the condition of slaves, were
               and immaterial.                       not meek but very flashy.
                  We  can  say  that  the  culture      In  the  history  of  Brazil,
               is  able  to  create  territories  of   noteworthy  if  the  so-called
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