Page 110 - Pure Life 24
P. 110

History of the Basics of Sovereignty … M. Ridhaei et al / 109

               Introduction                             Internal  sovereignty  includes
               Regarding  the  role  of  Shia        government  powers  that  are
               movements in the establishment        exercised    to    govern     the
               of  the  Safavid  state  so  far,     political  body  and  exercise
               scattered  research  has  been        power  to  pursue  the  interests
               conducted  in  various  sources       and  affairs  of  its  citizens.
               and  no  comprehensive  and           Foreign sovereignty also requires
               coherent  research  has  been         the  denial  of  any  dependence
               reported on this issue.               or subordination to other states.
                  In this article, first the concepts   Sovereignty  is  limited  by
               discussed  in  the  research  are     international law. The right of
               explained and then a review of        sovereignty,  if  it  is  in  the
               past  research  and  internal  and    possession  of  an  individual,  it
               external sources is made .            is called absolute; if it is in the
                  Sovereignty  is  the  supreme      hands  of  a  few,  it  is  called
               power  of  command  or  the           oligarchy,  and  if  it  is  in  the
               ability to exercise a will above      hands of the people, it is called
               other  wills.  In  other  words,      democracy. (Aghabakhshi, 2008: 265)
               power arises from the freedom
               and independence of the state-        Theoretical Foundations of
               country, which can regulate its       Research
               foreign and domestic affairs by           1.  Government
               exercising its sovereignty.           Government, is the special social
                  Sovereignty is a power from        system,  according  to  which  a
               which  the  legal  order  derives     number of human beings work
               and  is  not  subject  to  external   together to achieve a relatively
               norms  or  any  pre-norms  and        specific  set  of  goals,  that  is,
               there  is  no  power  above  it.      they  make  decisions  and  put
               Sovereignty gives existence to        them into action. Administration
               the  state  and is  fundamentally     also  reflects  the  process  of
               inseparable from it.                  implementing  decisions  and
                                                     organizing  the  government  of
                                                     a country.
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