Page 78 - Pure Life 24
P. 78

Manifestation of the Essence of God … M.M. Gorjian et al / 77

                      manifestation”.                   Now,  after  this  statement,
                      (Qushayri, 2009: 110)          we  come  to  Ibn  Arabi  on  the
                                                     true  background  on  which  the
                  Of  course,  Eckhart  emphasizes   Perfect  man  stands,  which  he
               the process of manifestation in       repeatedly  expresses  in  all  his
               man      several    times     and     books  that  deal  with  the  idea
               indicates  that  it  is  specific  to   of  the  Perfect  man,  and  this
               perfection only. He says:             issue  is  the  Divine  image,  so
                      “As  I  said  earlier  that    the  reality  of  the  Perfect  man
                      these  words  and  this        is  that  he  is  the  Divine  image
                      process  are  concerned        and the mirror that reflects the
                      with  the  good  and  the      Divine  manifestation  In  him
                      perfection  of  people         and this  is his secret, and this
                      who  understood  well          is his truth.
                      and absorbed the essence          Indeed,  it  can  be  said  that
                      of all the virtues”.           all  of  man’s  perfect  research,
                                                     and  every  issue  that  is
                  From  here  he  had  the           discussed  around  him  is  a
               management and control of the         result  of  his  being  a  Divine
               worlds, originally through this       image  that  deserves  every
               proposition  presented  by  Ibn       description  attached  to  him,
               Arabi,  because  the  purpose  of     Ibn Arabi says:
               the  Perfect  man  is  this                  “The  Perfect  man  who
               management,  leadership,  and                appears  in  the  Divine
               appreciation.                                image, God did not give
                  Ibn Arabi expresses that:                 him this perfection except
                      “If  I  say,  and  what  is           to  be  instead  of Al-
                      this  tree,  we  say  the             Haqq. That  is  why  he
                      Perfect man who manages               called him a caliph, and
                      the  structure  of  the               what  comes  after  him
                      crow? If I say, and what              like  his  successors,  so
                      is  the  crow,  we  say  the          the  first  alone  is  the
                      whole body”.
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