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               52  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 49-73, Winter 2021

                  He said: Yes,  ask. He said:              down  except  Iblis.  He
               why  was  the  name  of  the                 was  one  of  the  Jinns,
               genie;  He  said:  Because  they             and    he    broke     the
               were  constantly  hidden  and                Command  of  his  Lord.
               behind  the  curtain  and  were              Will  ye  then  take  him
               not  seen.  (Tabarsi,  2002:  2              and  his  progeny  as
               and 178)                                     protectors  rather  than
                  The  derivatives  of  the  term           Me?  And  they  are
               “genius,  soul  and  Jinn”  are              enemies  to  you!  Evil
               mentioned in 32 Verses in the                would  be  the  exchange
               Quran, which has 22 times the                for  the  wrong-doers!”.
               Jinn  itself.  (Turahi,  1996:  6            (Quran, 18: 50)
               and 27)
                  In  the  interpretation  of  the      we  read  about  the  head  of
               Quran,  Jinn  is  a  kind  of         the  devils,  “Iblis”:  “Khan  me
               creature  with  intellect  and        al-Jinn”: From Jinn; And also:
               consciousness,      and     since            “And  of  the  evil  ones,
               humans  are  unseen  in  our                 were  some  who  dived
               view,  this  is  called  the  Jinn           for  him,  and  did  other
               (and  the  difference  between               work  besides;  and  it
               them and man) That the man is                was  We  Who  guarded
               tangible     and     the     non-            them”. (Quran, 21: 82)
               perceptible genius).                     What  in  this  Verse  is  as  a
                  Sometimes  the  term  Jinn  is     devil It has been mentioned in
               meant  to  be  “devil”  because       Verses 12 and 13 of the Surah
               Jinn, as we have said before, is      of Saba as Jinn, and it is clear
               basically        the        word      that these two do not conflict,
               “disappearing” in the meaning         because  we  know  that  the
               of each being:                        “devils” are also from the Jinn.
                      “Behold! We said to the        (Makarem  Shirazi,  1995:  5
                      angels,  “Bow  down  to        and 439)
                      Adam”:  They  bowed
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