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               80  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 75-91, Winter 2021
                      This  is  a  fact  on  which          appropriate     for    the
                      the  Verses  of  the  Quran           listener. (Tabatabai, 1997,
                      are  based  in  terms  of             Vol. 3:57)
                      ruling and advice, and it         As God said :
                      exists in all Verses of the           “By  the  Book  that
                      Quran.  The  Interior  of             makes  things  clear.  We
                      the  Quran  is  to  get               have made it a Quran in
                      closer to the human mind              Arabic,  that  ye  may  be
                      and     they    are    like           able to understand (and
                      proverbs that are used to             learn  wisdom);  And
                      get closer to the goals.              verily,  it  is  in  the
                                                            Mother  of  the  Book,  in
                  Therefore, Allameh Tabatabai              Our  Presence,  high  (in
               believes that the Interior of the            dignity), full of wisdom”.
               Quran is :                                   (Quran, 43: 2-4)
                      This  is  the  fact  on  which
                      the  Quranic  Verses  are          -  The Interior is the same
                      based,  whether  it  is  a            Adaptation
                      ruling,  advice  or  wisdom,   Adaptation in the Words: What
                      and  it  exists  for  all  the   passes  quickly  and  is  the
                      Verses of the Quran: They      opposite of stillness.
                      are     “Muhkam        and     Conformity  in  the  Term:
                      Mutashabih”,  and  this  is    Passivity  from  the  article
                      not  one  of  the  concepts    “according  to”  which  means
                      uttered by words; Rather, it   harmony and agreement .
                      is  one  of  the  transcendent   Adaptation  in  the  Term:  It  is
                      objective objects surrounded   the  same  linguistic  meaning
                      by  word  networks.  Thus,     that   was     expressed     and
                      they are like proverbs that    Allameh  Tabatabai  took  it  in
                      are  expressed  to  bring      the  idiomatic  meaning  and
                      closer   goals    and  in      used it in his interpretation; as
                      accordance  with  what  is
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