Page 85 - Pure Life 25
P. 85
84 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 75-91, Winter 2021
There are two types of So it should be said:
people who take this meaning “but no one knows its
from the Quran: Some of them hidden meanings except
follow something similar, and Allah; And those who are
some of them, if something firmly grounded in
similar, say: “We believe in knowledge”. (Quran, 3: 7)
the Book; the whole of it is
from our Lord”; (Quran, 3: 7) Allameh Ma'refat view on the
Rather, they differed because interpretation of the Verse “And
of differences in heart those who are firmly grounded in
deviation and knowledge knowledge say” and the
confidence. knowledge of esoteric
If “And” was for turning interpretation of the Quran for
and meant to be associated non-God is that “And” is a
with those who specialize in turning point and not “And”
the knowledge of Esoteric appeal, and this is due to the
(Ta'wil) interpretation of the necessity of wisdom that requires
Quran, it was the Prophet of opening the doors of knowing the
God who is the best of them Book of God in all sciences,
and how can it be imagined statements and it is knowledge
that the Holy Quran was Allamah Ma'refat says in his
revealed to the heart of the book “Esoteric Interpretation of
Prophet without knowing the the Quran in Different
purpose What is it? Denominations and Opinions”:
If the meaning of his speech The commentators
was: “And those who are unanimously agreed on
firmly grounded in knowledge the necessity of turning
say” that they know the and rejected the validity
Esoteric interpretation of the of the endowment,
Quran and the Prophet of God standing by the classical
is certainly one of them, the literature of the language
right of speech was as stated; in such terms. This