Page 88 - Pure Life 25
P. 88
The Interior of the Holy Quran … N. al-Shemasi and A. al-Zubaidi / 87
those who do not give 2. Multiple Levels of the
originality to this world Quranic Interior (Batn)
except to matter and According to the Theory
there are those who of Allameh Ma'refat
have the effect of the • The multiplicity of levels
purity of their nature of the Quranic Interior
who do not see is due to the power of
happiness by relying on comprehension of the
material pleasures; Rather, audience: Allameh Ma'refat
they look at the eternal knows that the multiplicity
world with their pure of levels of the Quranic
hearts and then the Interior is due to the
doors of knowledge and level of comprehension
understanding of truth of the listener and each
open for them. class of people will
(Tabatabai, 1999: 83) have their share of
• The relationship between Quranic expressions.
multiple levels of the • The multiplicity of
Quranic Interior and levels of the Quranic
moral purity: Since Interior is one of the
spiritual purity has characteristics of the
several levels, those Holy Quran: The Holy
who believe in it are Quran had its behind
also different in reaching and Interior from the
that level; therefore, beginning of its revelation,
what is obtained from the and according to the
interpretation must be obvious meaning of
different and have a revelation, it also had a
degree in terms of moral hidden and esoteric meaning.
purity. (Tabatabai, (Ma'refat, 2011, Vol. 1: 57,
1999: 85) Al-Tafsir al-Athari al-Jami)
• The multiplicity of
levels of the Quranic