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               98  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 93-119, Winter 2021
               of    human      thought”    was         The     prime     value     of
               transformed       into    Divine      existentialism  is  achieving
               standardly moralities.                freedom  and  its  key  virtue  is
                  The  normative  theory  which      acknowledged  as  authenticity.
               Mesbah  Yazdi  bases  his  ideas      An      essential     part     of
               on,  is  the  theory  of  happiness.   existentialist  theory  is  “the
               This means that true happiness is     existential attitude”.
               found  in  achieving  salvation          It  is  the  individual’s  starting
               through nearness to God, and the      point  and  defined  as  a  sense  of
               criterion of considering of ethics    confusion  and  disorientation.
               is achieving human perfection.        Some of the most essential points
                  Based  on  the  meta-ethical       of existentialism are the concept
               view of Mesbah Yazdi, there is        of  existence  before  essence,  the
               a real relation between human         authenticity,  the  absurd,  angst,
               qualities  and  actions,  and         facticity and despair.
               human  perfection,  meaning              One  of  the  most  central
               that human will find happiness        concepts  of  Existentialism  is
               through      perfecting     their     existence  precedes  essence.
               qualities,  and  as  they  reach      Existence  precedes  essence
               perfection,      they       reach     means that the most important
               closeness to God.                     idea for individuals is that they
                  This  is  completely  different    are  individuals.  They  act
               from  The  Divine  Command            independently  and  responsibly
               Theory  by  which  all  ethical       as conscious beings.
               truths  are  related  to  the  divine    A  theological  approach  to
               orders  not  real  independent        existentialism  has  been  used
               truths. To further understand the     by  several  philosophers  such
               theoretical  differences  between     as Augustine, Aquinas, Pascal,
               the two ethical thought-systems,      Maritain and Kierkegaard.
               I  will  introduce  the  Christian       The theological approach to
               ethical thoughts.                     existentialism  is  shown  in  the
                                                     argumentations of Kierkegaard,
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