Page 104 - Pure Life 25
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A Comparative Analysis … N.T Jørgensen and M. Sohrabian Parizi / 103

               related  to  Denmark  and  other         The  use  of  ethics  in  this
               Northern-European countries.          example  is  then  only  related  to
                  Kierkegaard wrote a various        describing  the  actions  of  a
               works  published  from  year          person living an ethical life. To
               1843-1851 and latest year 1855,       be  at  the  ethical  stage  is  to
               mostly by using pseudonyms.           choose and not only to choose to
                  His ethical thoughts are not       follow  one’s  desires  as  in  the
               found  in  one  specific  book        example  of  the  aesthetic  life,
               within  that  period,  rather  it  is   another stage in the same theory.
               found  as  a  combination  of         It  is  not  ethical  to  change
               different  works.  The  concept       principles out of feelings, desires
               of    “ethics”    is    therefore     or personal interests.
               presented  in  different  ways.          True  ethics  is  the  active
               The  meaning  of  “ethics”  used      choice,  choosing  a  certain
               in  the  theory  of  the  different   view or certain principles, and
               stages  of  humans’  life  has  a     not  changing  them  whenever
               specific connotation.                 one desires.
                  In this theory, “ethical” is a        In  the  work  “Fear  and
               certain stage, indicating that a      Trembling”         ethics      is
               person  acts  according  to  the      understood  as  the  common
               social  norms  and  ethical           morality  in  society.  Ethics  is
               prescripts.    He    does     not     then understood as relative and
               conclude      on      what      is    depended  on  the  different
               considered  “ethical  norms”,  it     societies  and  their  norms.
               is  left  out,  maybe  because        What  could  be  ethical  in  one
               Kierkegaard  understood  this         society,  could  be  unethical  in
               stage  in  relation  to  different    another.    To     Kierkegaard,
               societies.  At  this  point,  he      acting  ethically  correct,  is  to
               argued  that  there  is  no           act  according  to  the  norms  of
               universal ethical idea, rather it     the society.
               is the norms that is understood          As  this  leaves  out  the
               by the individual society.            questions  on  intention,  choice
                                                     and the authority  of the society
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