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               40  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 31-74, Spring 2021

                      this  thought  formed                 on  his  ideas  as  the
                      from  a  turning  point               origin  of  relativism  in
                      within  Kant;  but  Kant              knowledge.   What  a
                      did not remain confined               divorced  on  his  idealism
                      to this purely experimental           transcendental  idealism
                      thinking  that  makes  the            “Transcendental
                      soul  a  slave  to  external          idealism” this relativism
                      experience and an arena               has been noted by some
                      in which its horses run;              who  have  read  Kantian
                      but  rather  a  space  for            thought  as  a  summary

                      making  general  laws                 of its sensual knowledge,
                      and  universal  rules  that           (Cobblestone, 2010: 296)
                      Hume was unable to accept.            which in turn distinguished
                      Kant  arranged  in  his               Kantian knowledge from
                      knowledge  a  set  of                 others such as Cartesian
                      issues  he  called  tribal            or what we see from his
                      issues through which he               criticism of Leibniz and

                      could transform experience            Wolff. (Ibid: 268)
                      into  a  general  rule,
                      which  would  make  his        1.  The  difference  between  Kant
                      knowledge rational.            and  the  idealists  is  that  Kant
                   ➢  Kant  mediated,  or  in        accepts  the  external  existence  as
                                                     a reality and the basis of mental
                      other      words,      his     judgment, while idealism tends to

                      combination      of    the     confine  knowledge  to  ideas
                      authenticity of experience     rather  than  things,  (Ref:  Kant,
                      on  the  one  hand  and        2017: 45; Badawi, 2008, Vol. 2: 439)
                      idealism  on  the  other       which  Kant  expresses  it  by
                      hand,  making  the  light      from experience.
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