Page 40 - Pure Life 27
P. 40

Moral Lifestyle in Modern Life … A. al-Musawi, P. Di Sia / (39

               civilization because it lacks the         -  The    First:   Civilized
               moral leadership that  represents            suicide,     an    option
               the basis of civilization.                   rejected     from      the
                  Ibrahim al-Haidari says:                  ground  up;  but  it  may

                      “The  reality  is  that  the          become  an  inevitable
                      crisis     of     Western             result  if  the  material
                      civilization  does  not               civilization     becomes
                      stem  from  the  negative             intolerant of its materialistic
                      evaluation of civilization,           ideas  and  does  not
                      nor  from  the  misery  of            address  its  reality.  In

                      industrial     civilization           the  late  eighties,  the
                      and  its  intellectual  and           Soviet     Union     went
                      philosophical      system,            through  the  same  stage
                      but  from  the  fate  of              that  the  West  is  going
                      Western       civilization,           through     today,    and
                      which  turned  it  into  a            Imam  Khomeini  at  the
                      miserable plastic city in             time  took  the  initiative

                      a consumer society that               to  call  for  Islam  to  fill
                      grinds human and strips               the  moral  vacuum  that
                      him  of  all  his  energies           communist        societies
                      creativity,  as  it  strips           were  suffering  from;
                      him of his spiritual and              but  Gorbachev  looked
                      moral values”. (Duncan                at  the  material  side  of

                      Baretta and Markoff, 2009)            the deteriorating conditions
                                                            of the Islamic world and
                  We     can    mention     here            said: If in Islam is what
               options  to  get  out  of  the               is useful for them to fix
               current crisis:
                                                            their reality. He did not
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