Page 44 - Pure Life 27
P. 44

Moral Lifestyle in Modern Life … A. al-Musawi, P. Di Sia / (43

                  Without  paying  attention  to     progress  and  modern  Islamic
               the  basic  rules  of  the  lifestyle,   civility will not be achieved.
               and going to their origin, we will       A  contemplation  of  the
               face  the  problems  of  excessive    glistening  history  of  the  clear

               and  negligent  analysis,  the        Islamic    religion,    and    in
               changes  must  be  in  the  cosmic    particular  the  period  in  which
               vision, and then the path will be     we  witnessed  the  Islamic
               paved for the lifestyle.              scientific  civilization,  clarifies
                  If we consider development         how to use the original Islamic
               at all levels to be the meaning       thought  in  life,  and  also

               of  modern  Islamic  civility,        scrutinizes  the  view  of  Islam
               then this civilization will have      about  the  accumulation  of
               two parts: Real and mechanical,       science,  benefiting  from  the
               in  which  the  lifestyle  is  the    civilizations of other countries,
               real part.                            not imitating them, and paying
                  As  for  the  mechanical  part,    attention to moral matters.
               it  is  about  the  topics  that  are    In  the  various  dimensions  of

               raised  today  under  the  title  of   life, all of this contributes to the
               dimensions  of  progress,  such       creation  of  Islamic  civilization,
               as  science,  invention,  the         and  in  light  of  this,  in  the
               economy,  politics,  international    contemporary world  today, it is
               considerations  and  the  like.       necessary  to  take  into  account,
               Islam  believes  that  prudence,      that  when  we  apply  Islamic

               morals,  and  rights  are  the        teachings  completely,  in  all
               foundations of the original and       dimensions  of  human  life,  it  is
               true  culture,  as  we  must  take    possible  through  this  to  create
               care  of  them  seriously  and        the  Islamic  pattern  Hadith,  and
               effectively,  otherwise  Islamic      following  the  formation  of
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