Page 50 - Pure Life 27
P. 50

Moral Lifestyle in Modern Life … A. al-Musawi, P. Di Sia / (49

                   ➢  The     Islamic     world      to  civilizational  leadership  has  a
                      includes      the    most      price,  and  its  price  according  to
                      important       strengths,     the theory of the famous historian
                      such  as:  owning  two-        Toynbee     in   Response     and

                      thirds of the world's oil      Challenge  is  responding  to  and
                      reserves,    more     than     overcoming the fateful challenges
                      one-fifth  of  the  world's    facing humanity today.
                      Muslim  population,  an           Toynbee believes that every
                      important        strategic     civilization  arises  from  a
                      location,  and  intellectual   specific  challenge,  so  if  the

                      and spiritual wealth.          response  to  this  challenge  is
                   ➢  Complaining         about      successful, then the civilization
                      administrative         and     progresses  and  flourishes  and
                      moral  corruption,  the        in  turn  generates  another
                      spread  of  selfishness        successful  response;  however,
                      and the human society's        the response itself presupposes
                      need  for  psychological       the  existence  of  a  mental  and

                      and social reassurance.        scientific  level  in  the  human
                   ➢  The  strong  desire  for       being,  according  to  which  he
                      Islam,  especially  by  the    can  provide  answers  to  the
                      oppressed  woman  who,         challenge  of  the  environment
                      in  material  civilization,    and nature.
                      has turned into a tool for
                      amusement and trade.              As for Islam, it is the most
                  These and others are all factors   perfect    of    the    heavenly
               that increase the importance of the   messages  it  came  in  order  to
               Islamic  role  in  the  coming        arrange the entire human issue
               civilization;  moreover,  the  return   with its material, spiritual and
                                                     moral aspects, and to place in
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