Page 47 - Pure Life 27
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               46  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 27-52, Summer 2021
                  Therefore,  a  person  must        passage of time, it has become
               purify  himself  and  struggle        a reality in societies.
               with  his  desire  for  material         Human  civilization  with  all
               pleasures.  The  great  result  of    its   material     and     moral
               self-purification  is  the  growth    manifestations  needs  care  and
               of  an  important  state  called      planning. Contemporary civilization
               piety,  a  condition  in  which  a    As  for  the  lifestyle,  it  is  an
               person advances towards Allah         Islamic  style  that  is  extracted
               under  the  leadership  of  his       from the clear Islamic religion,
               pure thought.                         where  this  style  should  be

                  This is why the Quran sees         implanted  in  the  depth  of
               piety  as  the  basis  for  one’s     society,  and  on  the  basis  of
               development  and  integration,        which society advances.
               and  it  is  the  criterion  of          Islamic  countries  should
               superiority  over  All  other         give  serious  attention  to  the
               creatures,  and  thus  is  the        manifested  Islamic  religion,
               spiritual  life,  a  life  full  of   and abide by its commands, so

               contentment  and  closeness  to       that  they  can  create  a  special
               the  presence  of  the  Mighty        pattern in life, and this pattern
               King Allah. (Ali, 2010)               itself  will  prevent  deviant
                  It  is  clear  from  what  we      methods,  and  inevitably  in
               have     discussed    that    the     order to obtain this matter it is
               lifestyle includes all aspects of     necessary  to  earnestness  and

               the human being from his birth        perseverance,  first  on  the  part
               to his death, whereby a person        of  the  officials  and  finding
               has a special style on the basis      solutions  Infrastructure,  and
               of  it,  either  taken  from  a       secondly  from  the  people’s
               certain  thought  or,  with  the      side  and  through  cooperation
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