Page 68 - Pure Life 27
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Humiliation and Analysis of its … / (67

               or  women.  (Ibn  Arabi,  1994,       cause  of  humiliation  in  the
               Vol. 2: 193)                          lowest world and the Hereafter.
                  It is well-known that human-       (Ruzbihan Baqli, 2007: 37)
               soul  seeks  perfection,  that  is
               because it isn’t perfect  and has     Humiliation Practices

               shortcomings  and  merits.  The       In this paragraph we are going
               soul’s turn in this lowest world      to  discuss  how  the  traveler  to
               is to get rid of its flaws to reach   God becomes humiliated to Him.
               its perfection. So, any shortcoming      Because the human being is
               makes  the  soul  far  away  from     such  a  combination  of  body
               its completeness and causing it       and soul,  the holy traveler needs

               humiliation and destitution, not      some  kind  of  practices  for  the
               only    in  the  lowest  world,  but   both. Accordingly, he must act
               also on the Day of Resurrection.      and  worship.  He  acts  for  his
                  For  example,  one  of  the        body and worships for his soul.
               awfulest  vices  of  the  soul  is       In  other  words,  actions  are
               greediness,  and  yearning  for       all  about  body  and  will  affect
               other people’s property. Greediness   the  soul  because  of  the
               doesn’t  save  anyone’s  face,  so    relationship  between  body  and

               this vice needs to be treated to      soul  while  worshiping  is
               get the human soul away from          connected     with    the    soul
               humiliation and make  it closer       situations. So, in both practices
               to its perfection. The treatment      whether is action or worshiping,
               is  to  apply  the  compatible        the  traveler  must  be  present
               remediation  of  Patience  and        with humiliation and submission

               Contentment  with  what  the          between  His  God’s  hands.
               Almighty God has blessed and          (Qunawi, 2002: 238)
               knowing that Greediness is the
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