Page 64 - Pure Life 27
P. 64

Humiliation and Analysis of its … / (63

                      and  killed  the  prophets        Allah conveys His and their
                      unjustly;  this  was  so       perspective about that in surah
                      because  they  disobeyed       Al-Munafiqun:
                      and exceeded the limits”.             “They  say,  when  we
                      (Al-Baqarah: 61)                      return  to  Medina,  the

                                                            honorable     ones    will
                  The  Divine  view  absolutely             certainly  drive  out  the
               differs   from     the   worldly             mean ones. Honor belongs
               people’s one who confine dhull               to  God,  His  Messenger
               to  the  outward  appearance.                and  the  believers,  but
               The     unbelievers      consider            the  hypocrites  do  not

               fortune,  power  and  having                 know”. (Al-Munafiqun: 8)
               plenty  of  children  to  be  an
               integral  part  of  honor  while         As a result, we can say that
               poverty,  weakness  and  having       worldlys’ norm in defining the
               few  children  are  fundamentals      humiliation nature differs completely
               in defining someone’s humiliation.    from  the  Divine  one  which

               They made a big mistake when          based     on    the     complete
               they  specify  honorable  and         submission and surrendering to
               humiliated  ones  in  this  way.      the  Lord.  This  station  (dhull)
               Hypocrites  didn’t  know  that        and  what  is  related  to  it,  will
               being  in  honor  is  connected       manifest  on  the  Day  of
               only with being in obedience to       Resurrection in particular.
               God,  and  anything  else  hasn’t        In the verse 45 of surah Ash-
               any origin. (Qushayri al-Naysaburi,   Shura we can see the true dhull

               2000, Vol. 3: 589)                    for    the   ones     who     are
                                                     unbelievers and  disobedient to
                                                     the  Lord.  This  verse  show  the
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