Page 123 - Pure Life 28
P. 123
122 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 105-127, Autumn 2021
on the religious and scientific 2. Collection of Information
principles, we can make use of on the Current Status
the following principles: of Family Budget
This strategy also has a positive
1. Household Economic effect on the household economy.
Planning In order to plan and set family
Planning is a clear picture of budgets, the most important
the goal and appropriate tools task is to take notes of the costs
and methods for achieving the and income of the family. By
goal. Today, most decisions are taking notes of the costs and
based on the pre-planned plans income on the daily, weekly or
and programs, i.e. planning. In even monthly basis, in addition
the family economic system to specifying the amount of
model, we cannot separate the spent costs, there will be the
family and economy from each possibility of analyzing and
other. Considering the future investigating the costs as well.
needs of the family, as well as It will be of a great help to
recognizing the opportunities predict and plan the family
and threats of family economy budget realistically in the
is in line with this model. future if we know what the
Considering the above-mentioned most important expenditure figure
issues can be the subject of belongs to which purchases,
women’s training sessions. how much of this spending is
(Rashidpour, 2001: 117)
essential and crucial for the
living and how much it affects
the family budget.