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               118  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 105-127, Autumn 2021

               take responsibilities; otherwise,        The  measures  that  women
               the  family  foundation  will  be     can  think  of  for  the  economic
               based on the children’s commitment    management of the  family can
               of  operation  and  injustice         be  put  into  the  following
               towards their parents.                categories:
               Women,  who  are  in  charge  of            1.  Identifying the Cost Cases
               the household economy management,     The first criterion in managing
               in  addition  to  justifying  the     the  family  economy  is  to

               children  in  economic  affairs       separate  and  recognize  the
               and preventing a higher expectations   costs. Costs can be divided into
               above family economic power,          two  categories:  short-term  and
               should  pay  attention  to  the       long-term costs. The short-term
               number  of  children  in  the         costs  are  those  that  should  be
               distribution of facilities among      spent on a daily basis or in the
               them  so  that  the  necessary        next  few  days,  like  food,
               conditions for women’s business       clothing,  etc.  Long-term  costs

               inside  or  outside  the  house  to   are  those  which  are  related  to
               increase the income are prepared.     capital items or the cases which
               For example, children’s common        can be achieved within the next
               use of some of the facilities not     few  months  or  years  by  a
               only  has  impact  on  the            program  or  saving,  such  as
               promotion  of  family  economy,       buying  a  car  or  household

               but  also  is  a  practical  training   appliances, etc.
               of  mutual  association  and             In  the  other  category,  the
               solidarity.  (Hashemidaran  and       costs are divided into essential
               Shirani, 2005: 64)                    and extraordinary ones. Extraordinary
                                                     costs  can  be  costs  which  are
                                                     completely  necessary  such  as
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