Page 58 - Pure Life 28
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The Role of Faith… A.M Bello et al / (57

               himself. In a beautiful saying of     for  rewards  or  seeking  the
               the noble Prophet of God, he says:    pleasure  of  Allah  will  always
                      “None  of  you  believes       make  a  believer  always  do
                      until  he  loves  for  his     righteous deeds.
                      brother  what  he  loves          On  the  other  hand,  his
                      for  himself”.  (Payandeh,     conviction  that  his  negligence

                      2003: 678, Hadith 2513)        or  trespass  on  the  people's
                                                     rights  will  be  taken  into
                  Accordingly,  in  a  healthy       account  by  Allah  will  make  a
               society,  justice  should  be         believer desist from evil deeds.
               considered sacred while tyranny          While explaining the role of
               and injustice should be resisted.     faith  in  the  improvement  of

                  Contrary  to  the  view  that      social relations, Martyr Mutahhari
               ideological matters do not have       wrote:
               any effect on human social life,             “It  is  religious  faith
               Islam  considers  faith  to  have            alone  which,  above  all,
               significant  impacts  on  the                respects  truth,  honors
               social relations of man.                     justice, encourages kindness

                  In  other  words,  the  social            and  mutual  confidence,
               relations  of  man  are  linked  to          inculcates  the  spirit  of
               ideological  matters,  because               piety, acknowledges moral
               someone who genuinely believes               values,  emboldens  the
               in  God  and  the  Day  of                   individuals to resist tyranny,
               judgment  is  convinced  that  all           and  unites  them  into  a
               his actions (good or bad) to any             homogeneous body. Most

               of  the  creatures  of  God  will            of  the  outstanding  men
               never    go    unrewarded      or            who have shed luster on
               punished.  Thus,  such  a  desire
                                                            the  world  and  have
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