Page 59 - Pure Life 28
P. 59
58 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 39-64, Autumn 2021
shone on the firmament of being successful in both the
of history were inspired material, moral and spiritual
by religious feelings”. dimensions of man. That is to
(Mutahhari, n.d: 35) say, the prosperity of a man in
the Islamic perspective is not
In essence, a goodly pure solely based on the accumulation
life where every member of the of wealth or material gains
society respects moral values alone; but it is through success
(such as truth, kindness, honesty, in both the physical and
sacrifice, benevolence, justice, spiritual dimensions.
etc.), resists immoralities (such Thus, a man is considered
as cheating, tyranny, injustice, successful and prospered if he
oppression, etc.) and lives lives a meaningful life in this
together in complete unity and material world and above all,
harmony like the organs of one he attains the pleasure of God,
body is feasible in the shadow the Almighty.
of piety and faith in God.
The Qur'an says:
7. Prosperity and “Whatever things you
Salvation have been given are
According to a definition, only the wares of the life
prosperity is described as the of this world and its
state of being successful, glitter, and what is with
especially financially; (Hornby, Allah is better and more
2000: 937) in the Islamic lasting. Will you not
worldview, however, prosperity exercise your reason?”
is not just about the material or (Qur'an, 28: 60)
financial success; but the state