Page 132 - Pure Life 29
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Reason, A Barrier or A Bridge… M. Dehghani Firouzabadi and M. Islami / (131

               Conclusion                            investigating  how  they  were

               It is an axiom that there is an       strongly  close  in  terms  of  the
               adjacent  association  between        theme  of  reason  and  its
               Sufism     and     Romanticism.       relationship with pure life. The
               Obviously, Romanticism in the         questions that crossed the minds
               form that appeared in nineteenth      of the researchers were answered

               century  in  Europe  has  been        as there are plentiful resemblances
               premeditated  in  relation  with      between  these  two  particular
               mysticism.  More  specifically,       hermeneutical poets and mystics
               some  of  the  key  doctrines  of     to  authenticate  the  formation
               Romanticism  including  reason        of  an  innovative,  better  well-
               would not be completely valued        defined area of literary research.
               without referring to mysticism.       The  poems  of  the  two  poets
                  The  present  study  has           were  studied  in  detail  and

               attempted  to  scrutinize  the        consequently compared according
               ideas  of  the  two  poets,           to the theme of reason.
               Jalaluddin  Rumi  and  William           Having compared Rumi and
               Blake,  with  the  aim  of            Blake, it is concluded that both
               studying  and  comparing  these       poets  and  mystics  believe  in

               mystics  and  exploring  mutual       the  destructive  and  constructive
               threads of thought they had in        aspects  of  reason  as  an
               their  mind.  Rumi  and  Blake        obstacle to the path of true and
               were in different nations, grew       desirable  life  and  union  with
               in  different  traditions  and        God. In conclusion, to untangle
               cultures however, this research       Rumi and Blake’s views regarding
               was conducted to compare the          reason  and  rationality,  one
               two poets with the intention of       must be careful that both Rumi
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